Silver Nitrate AgNO₃

Silver nitrate is a silver salt with powerful germicidal activity and is an inorganic chemical with antiseptic activity. Silver nitrate can potentially be used as a cauterising or sclerosing agent. Silver nitrate is a colourless or white crystalline solid becoming black on exposure to light or organic material.

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Standard solutions – Silver nitrate is used to make up standard solutions used for analytical testing in chemical laboratories.
Base compound – It is a precursor to other silver compounds and used as a base compound for further synthesis.
Photography – When making photographic film, silver nitrate is treated with halide salts of sodium or potassium to form insoluble silver halide in situ in photographic gelatin, which is then applied to strips of tri-acetate or polyester
Explosives – Similarly, silver nitrate is used to prepare some silver based explosives, such as the fulminate, azide, or acetylide, through a precipitation reaction.
Halide abstraction – This reaction is commonly used in inorganic chemistry to abstract halides and in analytical chemistry to confirm the presence of chloride, bromide, or iodide ions can be tested by adding silver nitrate solution.
Organic synthesis – Silver nitrate is used in many ways in organic synthesis, e.g. for deprotection and oxidations. Ag+ binds alkenes reversibly, and silver nitrate has been used to separate mixtures of alkenes by selective absorption.
Biology – In histology, silver nitrate is used for silver staining, for demonstrating reticular fibers, proteins and nucleic acids. For this reason it is also used to demonstrate proteins in PAGE gels. It can be used as a stain in scanning electron microscopy.
Medicine  – Silver salts have antiseptic properties. It is used as a cauterising agent, for example to remove granulation tissue around a stoma. Silver nitrate is also used to cauterise superficial blood vessels in the nose to help prevent nosebleeds.  Disinfection – Much research has been done in evaluating the ability of the silver ion at inactivating Escherichia coli, a microorganism commonly used as an indicator for fecal contamination and as a surrogate for pathogens in drinking water treatment. Against warts – Repeated daily application of silver nitrate can induce adequate destruction of cutaneous warts.
Silver nitrate sticks – Application method. Silver nitrate applicators are firm wooden sticks with 75 % silver nitrate and 25 % potassium nitrate embedded on the tip. Moistening the tip sparks a chemical reaction that burns (cauterises) organic matter (skin), coagulates tissue, and destroys bacteria.
Glass – Used in the manufacture of mirror and glass products.